Thursday, November 10, 2011

30 Days of Thanks, Nov 10th 2011

Thankful for 30 days.
If you would like to post your thanks as well, please do!

Nov 10th
I'm Thankful/Grateful for:
-My new kitchen and all of it's space, 2 baking racks, lot's of cubbard space, laundry room, counters, gas stove...I could go on and on! I love my kitchen and I appreciate it even more after coming from a tiny one with no storage space.
I'm so grateful for all the love I get to pour into my cooking in there :)

Please share what you are Thankful for today?


  1. Oh you lucky duck, new kitchen?! That's something to be very grateful good to have storage, it's so annoying having no room. I have so much storage, yet no room and lots of clutter - clean out time I think :) I am thankful for the first flower on my Frangipani tree - a true sign of Summer on the way :)

  2. Oh, I love frangipani! They are so darling. Thanks for sharing!
    Yes, the new kitchen has been a long time coming and I'm so thankful to have it :)



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